Freedom Of Religion In Malaysia Article

The constitution guarantees freedom of religion but also describes islam as the official religion.
Freedom of religion in malaysia article. Article 11 on the freedom of religion on the other hand says every person is entitled to profess and practise his own religion and subject to clause 4 develop their own religion. A citizen reserves the right to profess practice and subject to article 11 4 to propagate his religion. Article 11 guarantees freedom of religion to every person. Every person has the right to profess and practise his religion that s part of article 11 of the federal constitution of malaysia.
Every person has the right to profess and practice his religion and subject to clause 4 to propagate spread and promote it. For example you cannot be stopped from practising your religion whatever it may be in malaysia 2. This means that even if malaysia has declared islam as the official religion the malaysian population which consists of various ancestry and beliefs are free to practise their respective faith. Freedom of religion or belief in the country.
By doing so malaysia would be bound to adhere to the international standards on the right to freedom of religion or belief in article 18 and the minority rights in article 27. The right to profess a religion article 3 1 and article 11 1. Article 11 provides for the freedom of religion 4 on its literal wording it seems comprehensive enough to guarantee religious freedom for the plural malaysian society. Freedom of religion is enshrined in the malaysian constitution first article 11 provides that every person has the right to profess and to practice his or her religion and subject to applicable laws restricting the propagation of other religions to muslims to propagate it second the constitution also provides that islam is the religion of the country but other religions may be practised in.
Among the official public holidays in malaysia varying by area are muslim buddhist hindu and christian holy days. Religious freedom in malaysia the provision for religious freedom in the malaysian constitution stipulates for three aspects of religious freedom. Freedom of religion 1. By the term violation abuse of freedom of religion i mean such actions that are in conflict with the normative core of the human right to freedom of thought conscience and religion.
It s always been tiring for me to understand what the article means and what it has got to offer. It protects the right to freedom of religion under article 11 including the right to profess practise and propagate one s religious beliefs with the possibility that federal law may impose certain limits on the right to propagate the islamic faith among muslims.